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For questions, comments, or concerns about any Day Services, please contact
Jayne Hann- Associate Director of Day Program.

ArcWorks Day Program: Text
ArcWorks Day Program: Pro Gallery


ArcWorks is a day program facility for adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities in Hampton, NJ. We offer day-time services Monday-Friday from 9am to 3pm to help individuals build work skills, socialize with their friends, and get connected to community events of their interest.

Everyday is a new adventure; from arts and crafts to life skills such as making change, ArcWorks embodies personal growth on many levels. 

The program is designed for people who want to take advantage of every opportunity that the Hunterdon and surrounding counties have to offer.

All participants reside in Hunterdon county and have made a conscience effort to give back to their friends and neighbors. The individuals volunteer their time to local organizations such as Meals on Wheels, local food pantries, and Grow-A-Row. 

ArcWorks Day Program: Programs
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